Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blitzed Out

From http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s42/a5453771/KarenO.jpg

This is oldish news at this point, and probably more obvious than saying that Karen O. is hot in a very intimidating way, but It's Blitz is a fucking GREAT album.

album art (Interscope Records, 2009)

All bands grow up at some point.  Or rather, they grow into themselves.  The Yeah Yeah Yeahs new album, with its sophisticated rhythms and melodies, thought-making lyrics and moving harmonies are like the 16 year old boy who's voice has finally grown into his body.  

For instance, Runaway introduces the melodic theme with a simple piano line, leading into O's sighing, craving voice crooning the lyrics:
"run, run, run away
lost, lost, lost my mind 
I'd like you to stay 
want you to be my prize" 

This bit is then layered and layered with shimmery synths, blissed out guitar licks and a dark, swooning string section.  All the while the keyboard continues to bang out its ostinato, becoming more and more echoey as we follow the band deeper into O's possibly twisted, cavernous psyche, as the lyrics portend.

Or what about Zero, with its driving rhythm, melody and O's frantic pace as a (sort of) 2009 meets 1987 take on a Chemin de Fer?  If ever a song made me want to dance--and keep on dancing--this is it!  I'd be a happy lady for a long time if Y3 could keep up this momentum, which I believe they will.

I'm so proud of these guys!  I remember when I first noticed the band in 2003 (though they released their self-titled debut in 2001).  I loved Fever to Tell (then and now, still) and looked forward to their future albums.  Lucky for us, the group, with the genius front-woman KO leading the helm, now holds sway with serious others who have moved from experimenting their craft to perfecting it.  God I love this band!

1 comment:

  1. nice use of real "music" terminology in your review V. Makes me want to listen and dance!
